Key Dates for Individual Medical Insurance

Open Enrollment Banner

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment Period (OEP) is the time when you can enroll in a plan for the new calendar year.

For Plans Effective In Calendar Year 2025

Open Enrollment Begins On November 1, 2024 and Ends On January 15, 2025.

Rule changes to the Open Enrollment Period were made in 2021 that permanently extends the annual individual market Open Enrollment Period to allow consumers more time to review plan choices, seek in-person assistance, and enroll in a plan that best meets their needs. The annual Open Enrollment Period for all individual-market Marketplaces using the federal eligibility and enrollment platform and off-Marketplace individual market plans in states with such Marketplaces will be November 1 of the prior year through January 15 of the benefit year

If you enroll November 1st 2024 through December 15th 2024, then you will have a January 1, 2025 effective date.

If you enroll December 16th 2024 through January 15th 2025, then you will have a February 1, 2025 effective date.

*All applications are subject to approval by the insurance carrier, based on proper completion of the application, timely submission, and premium paid within the timeframe required.

Special Enrollment Period

Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs) are the times when you can apply for a new plan outside of the Open Enrollment Period.

To buy individual health insurance outside of Open Enrollment Period, you must qualify for a Special Enrollment Period due to a qualifying life event like marriage (as long as one spouse is currently insured), birth or adoption of a child, or in-voluntary loss of employer health coverage. Proof of a "Qualifying Event" must be submitted with the application.

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Trebing Insurance Services

Individual Medical Quote Affordable Care Act

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Medical Coverage

Individual Health Insurance ACA (via HealthSherpa)

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Trebing Portal to Affordable Care Act during [Open and Special Enrollment] periods.

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